Welcome to Davis Youth Softball Association (DYSA)!
The Davis Dynamite Spirit Wear store is officially open - 24/7/365! You can purchase gear anytime you like. Access store through this link:
Click here to signup for text and email communications
2025 Spring Softball - Spring 2025
Join us for another fun softball season with the Davis Youth Softball Association!
**NEW! - Bring a new player to play softball and be entered to win a prize!**
Click the Enroll button below to sign up players.
Click the Volunteer button to sign up as a Coach.
Registration Fee Assistance is available - please email registrar@davisyouthsoftball.org for more info.
2025 Winter Player Development Series - Winter 2024
DYSA Winter Player Development Series
You are invited to attend DYSA’s Winter Player Development Series of open practices. All players are encouraged to attend to get back into the swing of softball and meet new teammates, regardless of level of experience! New this year– we will be providing leadership development discussions for returning players in DYSA this season. These discussions will empower the players to develop as leaders on and off the field. Each session will have a different emphasis and the short talks will precede the practice. When: Wednesday Jan. 8th - Pre-practice discussion - Leading by ModelingWednesday Jan. 15th - Pre-practice discussion - Leading through Encouragement and InclusionThursday Jan. 23rd - Pre-practice discussion - Leading through MentorshipLeadership Workshop 5:30-6Skills Development 6-7:30Warm-Up - encourage coaches at all levels to run the same basic warm up so that there is uniformity for the girls in our program. The three parts are the Dynamic Warm-up; Throwing Progression; Daily Glove workStation Work - each open practice will include four 10 minute stations focusing on skill work. (Hitting Infield Outfield Agility Catching/Pitching Other)Closing GameFor questions, please reach out to development@davisyouthsoftball.org